Dr. Fiodar Litvinau

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Lehrstuhl Neues Testament II


Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1

Raum C Z017

80539 München


nach Vereinbarung


Promotion im Fach Neues Testament, LMU München, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
seit 2020
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, LMU München
Fourth Hiob Ludolf Centre Summer School in Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript Studies, Addis Abeba, Äthiopien
Forschungsaufenthalt Department for the Study of Religion of the University of Toronto unter Leitung von Prof. John S. Kloppenborg, Toronto ON
Sacrae Scripturae Licentiatus, Päpstliches Bibelinstitut, Rom
Kurs für Archäologie und Geografie des Heiligen Landes, Päpstliches Bibelinstitut und Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Jerusalem
Diplom in Theologie und Religionswissenschaft, Belarussische Staatliche Universität Minsk, Institut für Theologie
Secondary School of General Education 59, Homiel, Belarus


  • Synoptische Evangelien

  • Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer

  • Jüdische Literatur des Zweiten Tempel, inkl. Apokrypha und Pseudepigrapha

  • Intertextuelle Zusammenhänge zwischen hellenistischer und frühjüdischer Literatur

  • Rezeption frühjüdischer Texte in christlicher Literatur (äthiopische, slawische, syrische)


  • The Church and the Secular World in Ecclesiology of Karl Barth, in Christianstvo v Evrope: vzgliad v proshloe ili put’ v budushee? Materialy mezhdunarodnoj studencheskoj konferencii-seminara. Edited by Petrovskiy G.N. Minsk: Kovcheg, 2010

  • The Orthostas Temple in Hazor: Archeological Description. Skrizhali 6 (2013): 20–36 [in Russian]

  • Formation of the New Testament Canon (in Russian), Grodnenskije eparchial’nyje vedomosti 6/247 (2013): 6–7 [in Russian]

  • The Light of the Body and Inner Darkness. A Critico-exegetical Study of Mt 6:22-23 in the Context of Q-Document, Skrizhali 12 (2014): 8–30 [in Russian]

  • The Trial of the Son of God. An Exegetical Study of Jn 19:4-16a, S.S.L. Thesis, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome, 2016

  • John and the Synoptics: pre-Gospel Sources in Jn 19:4-16a (in Russian). Pages 71–77 in Christianskije cennosti v kulturnoj tradicii vostoka i zapada – istorija i sovremennost’. Sbornik dokladov XXII Kirillo-Mefodijevskich chtenij. Edited by Shatravskij S. I., and Rogalskij S. Minsk: Minar, 2017. [in Russian]

  • Personified Wisdom in the Sayings Gospel Q. Skrizhali 15 (2018): 32–68

  • A Note on the Greek and Ethiopic Text of 1 Enoch 5:8. Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 29 (2019): 28–35

  • Apocalypticism and the Violent Messiah: Cleansing of the Temple in Light of Jewish Apocalyptic Literature. Zbožža 2 (2020): 8–17; (Russian version published in Pages 22.4 [2018-2019]: 483–495).

  • A Study of the Background of the Divine Title ‘The Lord of Spirits’ in the Parables of Enoch. Journal of Ancient Judaism 13 (2022): 388–451.

  • ‘The Seekers of Truth Will Rouse Themselves for Your Judgment’: An Interpretation of 4Q418 69 ii 7 in Light of Mt 12,41–42 (Lk 11,31–32) and Related Texts. In Qumran and the New Testament. Edited Jörg Frey, BETL, Leuven: Peeters, 2024. [forthcoming]

  • The Distinction between Good and Evil in Its Application to the Wisdom Concept in the Dead Sea Scroll. In Wisdom at the Interface Between God and Humans. Edited by Marcel Krusche, and Thomas Wagner, Studies in Cultural Contexts of the Bible, Leiden: Brill, 2024. [forthcoming]