Religion in Representations of Europe

Shared and Contested Practices

What is this project called Europe? How are ideas of Europe represented? What do we think of when we speak about religion in representations of Europe? And how does religion shape these imaginations? What are their effects? There is no single answer to these questions because there are too many different ideas of what Europe and religion are, could or should be in the past, present and future. This volume focuses on case studies in which ideas and concepts crystallise: a text, a work of art, a building, an exhibition, a map, a film festival, a song or a meal.

With chapters by Dolores Zoé Bertschinger, Carla Danani, Verena Marie Eberhardt, Natalie Fritz, Anna-Katharina Höpflinger, Ann Jeffers, Stefanie Knauss, Marie-Therese Mäder, Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati, Natasha O’Hear, Alexander Darius Ornella, Sean Michael Ryan, Alberto Saviello, Baldassare Scolari, Paola Wyss-Giacosa

Stefanie Knauss/Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati (eds.), 2023, Religion in Representations of Europe. Shared and Contested Practices, Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Media and Religion | Medien und Religion 8

ISBN: 978-3-8487-7445-6
392 S., 89,00€/Open Access

Zum Verlag