08 Dez
09 Dez

Shared Places: Spatial Negotiations of Diversity


8. Dezember 2023 - 9. Dezember 2023

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Prof. Dr. Mariateresa Giammetti, Università Federico Secondo, Napoli
Prof. Dr. Carla Danani, Universität Macerata
Prof. Dr. Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati, LMU

Students of the Giacomo Leopardi School of Advanced Studies at the University of Macerata and students in the Study of Religion at LMU

In this masterclass, we approached our city, Munich, from a new perspective. During an exciting search for Shared Places, we visited different churches within the historic city center and analyzed them as places of religion with multiple functions. We also explored the Old Southern Cemetery as a place of religious plurality for the dead. Not only institutionalized religion was considered in our exploration. We roamed through the Fünf Höfe, a multifunctional building by the architects Herzog and de Meuron in the city centre, as well as through the Werksviertel-Mitte in order to deepen in an open discussion the questions whether and how religion plays a role in these architecturally, artistically and historically versatile spaces.

Particularly in times of increasing social and religious plurality as well as ever more limited resources, the question of multi- and interreligious as well as intercultural places, is crucial. The search for places, which are not only usable for one group, but for several or maybe even for all, is increasingly coming into focus. The church of St. Ludwig, that is shared by multiple Christian communities, the busy and highly modern alleys of the shopping mall in Fünf Höfe, the multi-cultural street art and restaurants in the Werksviertel-Mitte or the Old Southern Cemetery – today an oasis of biodiversity – they all be grasped as Shared Places.
This experience was enriched not only by the lectures of the philosopher of dwelling Carla Danani, the scholar in the study of religion Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati or the architect Mariateresa Giammetti, but also by the international and interdisciplinary format that involved students from the study of religion, philosophy, theology, literature and law.

Martin Loch



  • Living «on» the world. Why places are not mere sites | Carla Danani
  • Searching for the performative dimension of space. Supporting studies for the development of possible new architectural typologies | Mariateresa Giammetti

Discovering the city of Munich

  • Religious sites in the historical center of Munich | Caroline Kloos and Fabio Ioppolo
  • Fünf Höfe (Herzog & de Meuron) | Johann Pitz
  • Werksviertel Mitte | Martin Loch
  • Alter Südfriedhof | Wang Ying


  • Casey, Edward S., 2003, Vom Raum zum Ort in kürzester Zeit. Phänomenologische Prolegomena, in: Phänomenologische Forschungen, 55-95.
  • Danani, Carla, Human Dwelling: A Philosophical Question Concerning Space and Place, in: George, Mark K./Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria (eds.), Religious Representation in Place. Exploring Meaningful Spaces at the Intersection of the Humanities and Sciences, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2014, 47–60.
  • Danani, Carla, «Living on the World»: Rethinking Justice by Reconsidering Vulnerability and Autonomy, Medicina e Morale 2020/2, 193-211.
  • Giammetti, Mariateresa, Integrated strategic projects for the reuse of prayer spaces: Methodologies and Case Studies, in: Gerhards, Albert, Kirche im Wandel. Erfahrungen und Perspektiven, Münster: Aschendorff 2022, 249–273.
  • Giammetti, Mariateresa, Interreligiöse Räume, Architektonische Perspektiven in Zeiten soziokultureller Veränderung, in: Gerhards, Albert/Kopp, Stefan (Hg.), Von der Simultankirche zum ökumenischen Kirchenzentrum, Freiburg/Basel/Wien: Herder 2021, 294–324.
  • Lefebvre, Henry, 2006, Die Produktion des Raums, in: Dünner, Jörg/Günzel, Stephan (Hg.), Raumtheorien. Grundlagetexte aus Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaften. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 330–342.
  • Liedhegener, Antonius, 2018, Pluralisierung, in: Pollack, Detlef/Krech, Volkhard/Müller, Olaf/Hero, Markus (eds.), Handbuch Religionsoziologie, Wiesbaden: Springer, 347–382.
  • Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria, Difference and Contested Public Places. Spatial Representations of Religion in Contemporary Society, in: Wyller, Trygve/Knauss, Stefanie/Heimbrock, Hans-Günter/Sander, Hans-Joachim/Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria/Danani, Carla (Hg.), Religion and Difference. Contested Contemporary Issues, Research in Contemporary Religion, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2020, 15–44.

© Caroline Kloos

The masterclass in a video by the students of the Giacomo Leopardi School of Advanced Studies

00:01:40 | 09.12.2023